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the city

Karaman historically known as Laranda, is a city in south central of Turkey, located in central Anatolia, north of the Tauris Mountains, about 100 km south of the city Konya. Karaman is the seat of Karaman province and Karaman district. Its population is 175.390. Karaman lies at an average elevation of 1.039m. (Wikipedia)

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  • Temperature: Karaman has a cold semi-arid climate under koppen climate classification and a continental climate under the trewartha climate classification whith hot, dry summers and cold, snowy winters. Karaman is generally very sunny with almost 3000 hours of sunschine per year. (Wikipedia)
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yunus emre

  • Yunus Emre: The poet Yunus Emre (c. 1238-1320) resided in Karaman during his later years and is believed to lie buried beside the Yunus Emre Mosque. A small adjacent park is adorned with quotations from his verse.(Wikipedia). 
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  • Rumi: in 1222 the Sufi preacher Bahaeddin Veld arrived in Karaman with his family and the Karmanoglu emir built a madrasah to accommodate them. Veled’s son was the famous Rumi who married his wife Gevher Hatun while his family was living in Karaman. It was here too that Rumis’s mother died in 1224. She was buried aling with other family members in the Aktekke Mosqu (olso known als the Mader-i Mevlana Cami which Alaeddin Ali Bey had built to replace the original madrassah in 1370. (Wikipedia). 
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