Disabled trips

The world and almost everything built on the earth is for healthy people. Healthy people can choose from hundreds of trips and without any hindrance. For people with a physical disability, these choices are minimal. Maybe 1 or 2 and sometimes even 3. Even these choices are often stressful. Even at the start of the holiday, that one high threshold can ruin the holiday. Also in Karaman, the choices for a day out for people with a physical disability are minimal. Karmantrips.com does its utmost to realize as many accessible restaurants, parks, trips and other facilities as possible so that people with a physical disability can also go out without any worries. The trips and the location that we place on our website have been compiled by people with disabilities who know very well what a carefree holiday should look like. We wish you a pleasant and carefree trip.

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Special conditions

  • Our trips are for people who are in some way dependent on a wheelchair or a lap mobile or any other means of transport that is not longer than 140cm and 64cm wide.
  • It is extremely difficult to organize a 100% hassle free trip. The environment and the trips we place on our website karamantrips.com are time-bound and the facilities change quickly or are discontinued without us knowing. Especially the toilet facilities are used as storage and often out of service. We do our utmost to check the facilities regularly and keep them up to date.
  • karamantrips.com only places locations and sometimes also trips for people with a physical disability. However, you cannot hold karamantrips.com liable for money damage or information that does not correspond to the location of the trip or location.
  • a supervisor is required for the trips and other facilities.
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the millet park

  • WC  for disabled 3X  (you must ask the security staff for the key).
  • There are ramps for people with wheelchairs and, except for the children’s playground, everything is barrier-free.